Title: 155 Words or Poetic License Author: RedThunder E-mail: redthunder@excite.com Category: SHR Summary: Don't you just hate those sequels within sequels? Disclaimer: Don't I wish! 155 Words or Poetic License by RedThunder Mulder and Scully had sex Many a time before. But when they were investigating a hex, They did it on the floor. What shocking thing should happen But that Skinner should walk by. And after much dusting-off and zipping They told the bureau bye-bye. Off they went to the nearest church, And there they said their vows. Frohike got drunk, and drove off with a lurch, To the nearest field where he tipped some cows. But the CSM wouldn't let it go, And he sent some henchmen to get them. In the car, Mulder and Scully had a row, And, annoyed, the thugs gagged them. So, when they reached the hideout, They were unable to express words of love. Doing their best, they made out, While Krycek watched from above. Finally, when they were stated, Spender came in with an evil grin. "I hope your passion has abated, Because we are about to begin." THE END (or is it?) "Will write for feedback." RedThunder redthunder@excite.com 1