Title: 155 Words or the Shortest Song Fic Author: RedThunder E-mail: redthunder@excite.com Category: SHR Summary: Come on folks, it's only 155 words. It doesn't need a summary... Archive: Brandon and 155 Words Archive, yes -- everyone else, please ask. Author's notes: Thanks to Brandon for starting this. Brandon, you'll be getting a bill from my therapist soon. Disclaimer: I'm holding them hostage. He can only have them back when the mytharc episodes make sense. 155 Words or the Shortest Song Fic by RedThunder Mulder and Scully were dancing when they heard it. The song. The song that defined their relationship. //Row, row, row your boat// Scully is my boat, she shelters me from the wild seas. Without her I would be thrown on the rocks and shattered. //Gently down the stream.// Oh Mulder, you are my stream, my stream of life. Without you, I would die. //Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily// But it hasn't been merry. In fact, what I've put her though, it's been hell. How can she ever forgive me? How can she ever love me? //Life is but a dream.// It's a nightmare, a horrible dream. But it doesn't have to be that way, does it? Could he ever love me? "Mulder?" "Scully?" "I love you," they said, simultaneously. They went to her place and had sex. Then they went to his place and had sex. It became their theme song, they sang it during sex. THE END "Somebody take this keyboard away, please." RedThunder redthunder@excite.com http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Arena/1419/redthunder/index.html