Title: 158 Words or, The Shortest Parody Ever Written. "When You Wish Upon a Clich" Author: Kristen, Bassoonist Extrordinaire Rating: PG Category: H Spoilers: Possibly Quagmire Keywords: Parody Summary: The *real* lives of Special Agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully. Archive: If my name stays attached Feedback: If it moves you. Disclaimer: On the first day, there was the earth and the sky. Then came plants, animals and finally people. Years and years later, a boy named Chris Carter was born. He grew up to create The X-Files, and all was good. Authors Notes: You can only read so much fanfic without contributing to the cause. ;) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx When You Wish Upon A Clich By: Kristen, Bassoonist Extrordinaire xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Mulder's Apartment 11/21/99 10:13 am Mulder was bored. He lay sprawled on his couch, one arm hanging over the side; staring at the ceiling. A pencil fell, landing on his forehead. He blinked. Mulder's fish, Spender and Fowley, merrily swam in circles around their tank. The ragged edges of the X on his window flapped in the breeze. Condensation from his glass of iced tea dripped onto the coffee table. He was very bored. *** Scully's Apartment, possibly in Georgetown Scully was bored. She sat on her couch, staring at her copy of Breakfast At Tiffany's. She had been trying to get past page 37 for 2 years now. The scent of the strawberry shampoo she had used earlier was giving her a headache. Scully glanced over at a picture of her beloved Queequeg. This made her sad, and she cried. *** They both got up and went to work, even though it was Saturday. End