TITLE: 155 Words Part -Insert large number here- : Mulder's Hidden Secret SPOILER WARNING: Sleepless (barely), Anasazi, The Blessing Way, Paper Clip, Terma, Tunguska, Patient X, The Red and the Black (Pretty much all Krycek eps) RATING: PG CONTENT WARNING: Parody CLASSIFICATION: Slash M/K SUMMARY: Oh c'mon, I just had to. You can't let Brandon have all the fun... "Mulder's Hidden Secret" by: Rachel Lewis (who is very ashamed right now ;) Everyone at the Bureau thought that Mulder and Scully were in love. They liked each other and were both attractive so of course they must be in love. However, what they didn't know was that Mulder didn't like Scully that way. It wasn't that she was ugly or mean or stupid. He just didn't like girls. But, he did like Alex Krycek. Krycek was Mulder's former partner who killed his dad, shot Scully's sister, acted as a Russian spy, and did about every other nasty thing a guy could do. Except one day, Alex pulled a gun on Mulder and kissed him on the cheek. When Mulder felt Krycek's warm lips against his skin he didn't care that those lips had been used to tell hundreds of lies that killed many, many people. Because he was in love. Because Alex was pretty cute. And 'cause ever since Skinner had dumped him, he'd been REALLY horny. -- It's not that I'm slipping in my opinion of Fox Mulder. I've decided that if my sister is going to work in the FBI, I would rather have him by her side than about 90 percent of the guys I could name. He's laid down his life for her, I appreciate that in a prick. --Bill Scully, jr., "By Her Side: That Voice" by Vickie Moseley