TITLE: 157 Words V OR The Third Shortest MSR Ever Written AUTHOR: Maaluu (mwilcox@ngs.org) SPOILERS: None RATING: PG SUMMARY: See text below. DISCLAIMER: Please. 157 Words V OR The Third Shortest MSR Ever Written It was 11:21 p.m.. In Georgetown, Scully slept, dreaming of Mulder's hands and mouth running all over her body, especially that extraordinarily full lower lip of his. In Alexandria, Mulder dozed fitfully on his couch, beneath the blue glow of his fishtank. Visions of Scully's petite form writhing under him as he pounded her into her mattress with all the force of the love he felt for her flitted through his brain. He woke, feeling swollen with love and desire, his hand resting just inside the waistband of his sweatpants. Mulder picked up the phone, then put it back down. He shouldn't disturb her. Scully deserved a normal life, away from him and all the painful memories she undoubtedly associated with him, like the death of her sister and her abduction. But his love was too strong to deny; it was time to set it free. He needed to call her and tell her. So he did. -- It's not that I'm slipping in my opinion of Fox Mulder. I've decided that if my sister is going to work in the FBI, I would rather have him by her side than about 90 percent of the guys I could name. He's laid down his life for her, I appreciate that in a prick. --Bill Scully, jr., "By Her Side: That Voice" by Vickie Moseley