Title: 155 Words or the Shortest X-Files/Buffy the Vampire Slayer Crossover Author: RedThunder E-mail: redthunder@excite.com Category: SHR Summary: Come on folks, let's suspend some disbelief here... Archive: 155 Words Archive, yes -- everyone else, please ask. Disclaimer: Well, as you all know, I am really Chris Carter, and these are my characters. On alternate sundays, I'm also George Lucas. And Mulder and Scully are really twins, and the CSM is their father. 155 Words or the Shortest X-Files/Buffy the Vampire Slayer Crossover by RedThunder Mulder and Scully came to Sunnydale to investigate not one, not two, but 47 different X-Files. Once there, Mulder went out jogging, blithely ignoring Sunnydale's record high murder rate. He was running through the cemetery when a vampire attacked him. A blond girl saved his neck. "Hi, I'm Buffy, the Vampire Slayer," she said cheerfully. "Hi, I'm Mulder, the FBI Agent," he answered. "Cool! Let's go kill some vampires." "Wait, I have to get my partner first." So they gathered Scully and went hunting. Scully didn't believe that there were vampires until they convinced her. She killed 10 vampires and wasn't hurt, because she was an Empowered Woman!, and Empowered Women! didn't get hurt in Sunnydale. Mulder, of course, was beaten to a pulp. Buffy carried Mulder back to the library, to meet Giles. Mulder and Giles turned out to be old friends in England, and they reminisced. Then they took Mulder to the hospital. The End redthunder@excite.com http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Arena/1419/redthunder/index.html 1