Title: 155 Words or the Shortest Internet MSR Author: RedThunder E-mail: redthunder@excite.com Website: http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Arena/1419/redthunder/index.html Category: SHR Summary: You've Got Mail it ain't.... Archive: 155 Words Archive only Disclaimer: Usually I would say something disparaging about CC right about now, but I'm going to control myself. After all, he is responsible for Two Fathers. *snort* 155 Words or the Shortest Internet MSR by RedThunder Mulder and Scully had lots of repressed sexual tension, but, because of a bunch of stupid bureau rules, they couldn't have sex. So they went to chat rooms instead. Mulder visited a few porn sites as well. One day, Scully was chatting in a singles room, when Agent G-Man came on-line. They chatted for a while and fell hopelessly in love. They decided to meet. One day, Mulder was chatting in a singles room, when Agent G-Woman came on-line. They chatted for a while and fell hopelessly in love. They decided to meet. Scully arrived at the bar where she was supposed to meet Agent G-Man. However, the only person she saw was Mulder. "Mulder, what are you doing here?" Mulder looked up in shock. "Uh, I'm supposed to meet someone." "Me too." "You aren't Agent G-Woman are you?" "Yes. Are you Agent G-Man?" "Yes." "Screw the rules. Let's have sex." "Okay." And they did. THE END RedThunder redthunder@excite.com Check out my other 155 Word Stories at: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Stargate/4580/RedThunder.htm 1