TITLE: 155 Words: Glam AUTHOR: Dasha K E-MAIL: dashak@aol.com RATING: R KEYWORDS: Oh just read it. ARCHIVE: Sure SUMMARY: Lipstick, dancing, smut. DISCLAIMER: Not mine. If you've read the "Jitterbug Perfume Trilogy" , the other character in this story will be familiar. This is for PD. 155 Words: Glam by Dasha K Her head throbbed with techno, two shots of tequila and the sensation of May's lips pressing against her own. Scully pulled away. "You taste amazing. What is it?" May smiled. "It's my lipstick. It's called Viva Glam." "I want more." She pulled her lover into the darkest corner of the club, beyond the flashing strobe lights. Scully's hand slipped under the black silk of May's skirt, encountering satin skin. "You have no panties on," she whispered in her ear. "My treat," May said, almond eyes flashing. That night, as women danced before them, Scully taught May the true meaning of the French expression "La petite morte". May died for a moment in Scully's arms and Scully brought her back to life with a kiss, tasting the spice of her lipstick. Viva Glam. The end. Dasha K. I wouldn't kick him outta bed for eatin' crackers... http://dasha.simplenet.com