TITLE: 155 word Spenderfic AUTHOR: Drovar E-MAIL: Drovar@ix.netcom.com RATING: PG SPOILERS: Very very minor for Season 6 SUMMARY: Well not to be left out of the game, here's my 155 word Spenderfic. DISCLAIMER: X-Files belong to Fox, 10-13, and Chris Carter; no infringement intended 155 Words of Spenderfic by Drovar Spender was pissed, royally pissed. Somebody, (initials Fox Mulder) had stolen his shredder. Gosh darn it, and him with all these stupid X-files. He flipped through the files marked 'Really true, secret FBI stuff,' growing more irritated with each one. [The real truth behind the Kennedy assassination] [The Loch Ness Monster, photos, DNA samples, everything] [I really am Hitler, here's my address.] [I was Hoover's love slave.] hmmm file that one for later His father strolled in and called him 'Son'. So Spender shot him. Then Scully walked in and called Spender a Rat-bastard. So Spender shot her too. Even though she was awful pretty and probably just wanted to do him. Then Mulder walked in, holding the shredder, and said "Ack . . . Scully, Dad!" So Spender shot him too, even though he was awful pretty also, and probably just wanted to do him too. Then Ritter walked in. Spender didn't shoot him.