TITLE: "155 Words 8, Or, X-2K" By: Lori Schwabenbauer Email: schwaben@bigfoot.com SPOILER WARNING: None RATING: G, I think CONTENT WARNING: Extreme possibilities. Apocalyptic worldview. Computers going haywire. Vegetarian cookery. CLASSIFICATION: MSR SUMMARY: Mulder and Scully tackle Y2K. Mulder said to Scully, "Have you looked into the y2k problem yet?" Scully said to Mulder, "I've already spent my retirement savings on a kerosene generator and twenty cases of kidney beans." Mulder said to Scully, "Great! I've got eighteen pounds of non-hybrid seeds and forty cases of jasmine rice. Why don't we pool our resources?" Together Mully and Sculder (oops) added fiberglass insulation to a mountain cabin in an undisclosed location, where they installed solar panels and 2,400 rolls of toilet tissue. They began experimenting with vegetarian cookery. "Her beans go perfectly with my rice," thought Mulder. "My rice goes perfectly with his beans," thought Scully. "Her red hair goes perfectly with my winsome smile," thought Mulder. "His dimpled chin goes perfectly with my full lips," thought Scully. "Scully, what would you say to helping repopulate the Earth in a post-apocalyptic world?" asked Mulder. "It would only be patriotic," said Scully. So they did. =============== Lori